What is a lantern?

What is a lantern?

What is a lantern?
Lanterns, also known as lanterns, are Han Chinese traditional crafts that are popular in China and have extremely high artistic value. Lantern art is also the comprehensive decorative art of lights. In ancient times, its main function was lighting. Paper or silk was used as the outer skin of the lantern. The skeleton was usually made of bamboo or wooden strips. Candles or light bulbs were placed in the middle to become lighting tools. Affected by the Han culture, lanterns are also quite common items in temples in many countries in Asian Chinese areas.
The production of colored lanterns was developed by the working people of the ancient Han nationality who used fire, invented lamps, and made lamps. The Suiren invented drilling wood to make fire. The ancients ignited a fire and lit a torch. This fire and torch were the origin of the original lamp.
With the development of social productivity, mankind began to use animal, plant and mineral oil and wax as lighting lamps. "Zhou Li, Si Heng" contains "The important events of all nations are for the candles and candles." It can be seen that there were candle lights in the Zhou Dynasty. In the Warring States Period, the manufacturing process of the lamp was flourishing, which was stated in Qu Yuan's "Chu Ci": "Lan Gao Ming Zhu Hua Tong Co". The Han Dynasty was the heyday of copper lamp making. "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" contains: "Han Gaozu entered the Xianyang Palace, Qin had five green jade lamps, seven feet and five inches high, and the lower part was a beetle. The lamp was held in the mouth, and the scales moved when burning, glowing like a star." "In the Tang Dynasty, Lantern Festival lanterns developed into an unprecedented lantern market, and the capital was "made as a lamp wheel twenty feet high, decorated with brocades, decorated with gold and silver, burning fifty thousand lamps, clusters like flowers and trees." , Lantern activities are particularly popular everywhere.

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