What are the advantages of LED car lights

What are the advantages of LED car lights

          Because LED car lights are directly converted from electrical energy to light energy by light-emitting diodes, the power consumption of ordinary car bulbs is only 1/10 of that of traditional lamps, so it can better save fuel consumption and thus protect the car circuit from being overpowered. High load current burns out.
          The second advantage is environmental protection. There are no ultraviolet rays and infrared rays in the spectrum of LED car lights. There is no heat or radiation. The glare is small, and the waste is recyclable. There is no pollution and no mercury elements, so it can be safely touched. It is a typical green. LED light source.
LED car lights
           Long life, no loose parts in the lamp body, there are no shortcomings such as filament burning, thermal deposition, light decay, etc. Under the appropriate current and voltage, the general service life can reach 80,000 to 100,000 hours, which is longer than that of traditional light sources More than 10 times longer.

           High brightness, high temperature resistance, electrical energy directly converted into light energy, low heat generation, fully touchable by hand, safe and secure, you can change the lamp mode at will, so that the car shape diversification. Automobile manufacturers favor LED, which is entirely determined by the advantages of LED itself

           It has good stability and strong anti-seismic performance: resin encapsulation, not easy to crack, easy storage and transportation, high luminous purity, clear and bright colors, no lampshade filtering, and light wave error within 10 nanometers.